Yesterday we looked at Harro the Vast and his 'Ratus Bladebreaker fresh out of character generation. Today I'd like to show one possible version of him from later in an ongoing campaign. Aether Nexus is (at time of writing) too new a game for anyone outside of the playtesters (and probably not them either) to know what a lengthy campaign plays out like for sure, so this will be entirely theoretical but hopefully of some interest as an example of how a knight will grow and change during play. The focus here will necessarily be mechanical rather than narrative since I'm not trying to write a novel here.
So, the ground rules:
This writeup assumes roughly a year of steady weekly play, for a total of about 50 sessions. Going by the book (and my own limited play experience) players should earn an average of 4-5 AP per session, which amounts to 225 AP over a year. Some of that would get spent on the group's skyship, so let's assume we've got a flat 200 AP left to spend on Haroo personally.
We'll leave the skyship for later, but for simplicity I'm going to assume A) the Nexus doesn't have a Hauler (which modifies costs all over the place) and B) whatever ship they do have gets a Ringbounder Court bought early on (because it makes spending AP on Bonding twice as efficient, as well as making Boons a bit cheaper). That particular component really should be a priority for everyone, and it's going to affordable for a 4-5 player group on your first respite. It's that good, you really do want cheap Energy improvement ASAP.
You'll probably get a respite less than once per session overall, but they're still fairly common so lets call it 30 individual chances to spend AP. This mostly only matters for Bonding (because it's cheap and can be done with a single other respite action) so the max Energy increase would be 60 if you spent on it every time (and would only be 30 for the same AP cost without Ringbounder Court - see what I mean?).
We're also going to assume that Haroo survives and isn't horribly mauled by battle scars from becoming fallen too many times. That's potentially overoptimistic, but if anyone's going to make it through 50 sessions essentially intact it'll probably be the war-frog driving a giant ball of armor. :)
Haroo the Vast and Bladebreaker (Epic Form - 200 AP)
Knight: Haroo Kin: Buforog Frame: Bastion Moniker: Bladebreaker
Stone | Flux | Aether | Hearth |
15 | 14 | 10 | 12 |
Energy | Armor Die | Damage Die | Nexus Die |
42 | D12 + 6 | D6 | D8 |
Aspect Improvements:
- Stone +1
- Flux +2
- Hearth +2
- Adjunct Limbs (Extra Armament) - You have four weapon slots instead of two, and gain either two weapons or a weapon and a shield to fill the extras. In addition, you can benefit from two shields instead of one.
- Adjunct Limbs (Grappler) - As a Strike, test Stone. If successful, you and an engaged foe become rooted until the end of your next turn, and you gain favor on all tests made against them.
- Bristle Plate (Ironclad) - When you roll 1 on an Armor Die, you may choose to reroll it.
- Bristle Plate (Razorshell) - When you take damage from an engaged foe, you can choose to deal damage to that foe with your Armor Die rather than reduce damage.
- Koradium Heart (Machine Soul) - When you roll despair on a test, you may choose to reroll that test but must take the second result.
- Koradium Heart (Upgraded Pod) - Permanently increase you maximum Nexus Die to a d8.
- Mycodrium Coating (Fungal Regeneration) - At the end of your turn, if you took damage since your last turn, you can roll your Nexus Die to upgrade your Armor Die (maximum d12).
- Mycodrium Coating (Funnel Life) - As an Activation, roll your Armor Die and regain that much Energy.
- +26 Energy
- Companion: Ember-Hound - You are accompanied by a lupine creature engulfed in flames. Your ember-hound increases your maximum Energy by 4. In addition, you gain a +2 to damage rolls while on-foot.
- Dash Strike - If you end your movement engaged with a foe, you can test Flux. If you succeed, deal 1d6 damage to an engaged foe and stagger them.
- Firesinger - As an Interaction, you can end ongoing damage on an engaged knight. In addition, as an Interaction, you can test Hearth; on a success, end the burning peril in a span.
- Vinecaller - As an Interaction, test Stone. On a success, an engaged or adjacent foe becomes rooted.
- Windwhisperer - As an Interaction, you can test Flux. On success, choose an engaged or adjacent foe or knight and move them to a span adjacent to them.
- Bulwark - As an Activation, become fortified. This effect lasts until you take a Maneuver or roll your Nexus Die. In addition, while fortified, you can use an Interaction to make an engaged knight fortified.
- Guardian - When an engaged knight would take damage, you can choose to roll your Armor Die to absorb damage for them.
- Unkillable - If you would take damage, you can roll your Nexus die and reduce the damage by the result.
- Combined Assault - Choose an engaged knight. You each immediately make a free attack with favor on the roll; on a success you each automatically deal max damage.
- Axe - After rolling one damage, reroll the Damage Die and add it.
- Dismantle - As an Activation, become d6 Legion Die; return to weapon and equip as an Activation.
- Blade - Deal critical damage on rolls of 1 or 2.
- Sweep - As a Strike, test Stone. On success, deal 2 damage to each engaged foe.
- Whip - After dealing damage, test Flux to impose shaken on foe.
- Cannon - On hit, you may deal max damage, but downgrade Nexus Die after.
- Sniper - No hindrance to attack distant foes
- Two Tower Shields - Each adds +3 to Armor Die rolls, tests made to retreat are hindered.
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