Friday, November 29, 2024

More Frames: Marshal

With the v1.4 changes to the Omen resource dice and aspect mods, that frame shifted more toward a combat role with a variable supplementary trick up its sleeve.  This also left the 8/6/10 Armor/Damage/Nexus resource dice spread unused, and since there's room for a few more frames in the game I thought I'd try doing a homebrew that would suit and add a new, somewhat more specialized role to a Nexus.



Tactical Coordinator Frame

The Marshal frame was designed during the height of the Hive War to serve as a sturdy command platform for leading large groups of knights.  As such it was equipped with an augmented linkages that further improved the synergies already already enjoyed by a Nexus.  The frame is relatively unpopular in modern times when there are fewer Apparatuses in service and the average Nexus is correspondingly smaller, but even a small team of knights can still benefit greatly from including a Marshal in their ranks.   

EnergyArmor DieDamage DieNexus Die

COMRADE IN ARMS                                                                                          

You have favor on initiative and when attacking foes engaged with another knight.  Add a bonus equal to the number of knights you are engaged with to all your Armor Die rolls.

NEXUS EPIPHANY                                                                                              

As an Activation, grant each knight favor on a test before your next turn.  Roll your Nexus Die.


The basic Marshal frame is extremely good at handing favor out with Nexus Epiphany, and has the large Nexus Die to use the ability regularly.  It's very simple but quite flexible, although you may have to delay your turn sometimes to get maximum mileage out of it.

Comrade In Arms is a more complex package of abilities.  Having favor on initiative (and an innate Flux bonus) makes it easier to take your turn just when you want, which helps with using the favors you hand out.  You also gain favor when supporting an ally who's being engaged by foes, which is a flexible boost to your own offense whether you're actually engaged or not.  Finally, your already-solid armor gets much better when you share a span with even one other knight, and could be very tough with a Nexus that plays "tight" and clusters up in one span regularly.

Having a large Nexus Die also opens up a lot of offensive possibilities in terms of boons and augments, which can be used to strengthen your weak Damage Die.  Alternately, you could lean even further into a supporting role with things like Battle Analysis, Memento Mori, Nexus Horizon, and some kin abilities.


When skyvaulting, the Marshal has access to the following ability:

COORDINATED MANEUVERS                                                                          

At the beginning of a skyvault, choose and generate a number of extra tricks equal to the number of knights in your Nexus, which form a separate team pool of their own.  Once per skyvault, each knight may choose to use a trick from the team pool instead of one of their own.

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